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Retrieve store config

Retrieve configuration data used to render a widget, and request protection quotes. This endpoint is optional, and the values here can be set via configuration on the client if desired. Even when this endpoint is used, these values will be set in collaboration with the merchant.

Using this endpoint may offer a straightforward approach to configuring the widget your customers see, especially when there is difficulty implementing this level of configuration (such as with an e-commerce platform that doesn't support it). If you do use this endpoint, the values are fairly static and generally do not need to be retrieved more than once per session.

Path Parameters
  • shopId string required

    A UUID belonging to the store



  • isActive boolean required

    Whether the shop is active or not in Corso systems, and GSP is enabled.

  • isShippingLineProtectionOffered boolean required

    Whether the shop offers protection for individual shipping lines.

  • isDefaulted boolean required

    Whether widget should offer Green Shipping Protection by default to each customer.

  • isRequired boolean required

    Whether the protection is required by the store or not. If set to true, the widget would not allow the protection to be unchecked or declined.

  • config

    A Javascript object containing optional, implementation-specific configuration for the widget. If you would like any information returned here to help in your implementation, please contact us.

  • styles css-block nullable required

    The CSS stored by Corso to help style the widget. If you would like any CSS to be stored here for help in styling your widget (if your platform does not offer other mechanisms for styling, for example) then please contact us.

  • productHandle string nullable

    The handle or slug of the Corso protection product on the e-commerce platform.

  • protectionType string deprecated
  • storefrontAccessToken string nullable deprecated

    Not applicable to all implementations

  • platformCartEndpoint string nullable deprecated
  • platform string deprecated

    Not applicable to all implementations

  • content deprecated

    Not applicable to all implementations
