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Get a store

This endpoint allows an API to retrieve data about Corso's representation of the store. This can be useful for verifying store properties used elsewhere by the API.

Path Parameters
  • storeId number required

    The Corso Id for the store

    Example: 428334


  • storeId number required

    The ID of the store in Corso systems. Most operations will require a store ID, since an authenticated API connection could potentially have permissions to manage resources for multiple stores.

  • currencyCode string required

    The 3 letter currency code used by the store (in ISO 4217 format). This currency code is used as the basis for all money values transmitted via the API including order totals, line item values, and similar.

  • ianaTimezone string required

    The timezone for the store. Used as a factor when calculating invoice time periods, reorder windows, and similar time-based evaluations.
